Christoph Borchers

Ph.D. - Chief Lab Analytics Officer, Co-founder

Christoph is recognized as a pioneer and leading figure in the development of mass spec based methods for protein quantification using Multiple Reaction Monitoring (MRM). He is also the Director of the UVic–Genome BC Proteomics Centre and has published more than 180 peer-reviewed papers in scientific journals. His research is centered around the improvement, development and application of proteomics technologies with a major focus on techniques for quantitative targeted proteomics for clinical diagnostics. Christoph received his B.S., M.Sc. and Ph.D. from the University of Konstanz, Germany. After his post-doctoral training and employment as a staff scientist at NIEHS/NIH/RTP, NC and he was the director of the Duke-UNC Proteomics Facility and held a faculty position at UNC Medical School in Chapel Hill, NC (2001-2006). Christoph is also involved in promoting proteomics research and education through his involvement with HUPO (International Council Member), the British Columbia Proteomics Network (co-leader) and the Canadian National Proteomics Network (VP External, Chair of the Board of Directors).